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How To Use Poop Gloves (That Will Surprise You)

How To Use Poop Gloves (That Will Surprise You)

How To Use Poop Gloves (That Will Surprise You)

So everyone’s been talking about the newest trend taking over the dog world. 

Dog Gloves.

Who knew poop bags vs. gloves could be such a hot topic? But, we’re happy to be leading it. 

Let’s get on the same page first.

Bags are designed to hold things.

Gloves are designed to grab things.

If both are true, then why exactly is this even a debate that you wouldn’t use gloves to GRAB poop? 

Well, I got tired of always failing in picking up all my dog’s poop, but succeeding in picking up a lot of dirt and grass.

Exactly why I designed poop gloves, also known as our Dog Gloves, because they make you go from feeling like a hot mess to a glamorous dog owner who can perfectly pick up after a dog. 

Not to mention, we do it responsibly because our Dog Gloves are 100% biodegradable. 

If you’re not already convinced, Dog Gloves do more than only picking up poop. I’ve had the greatest pleasure of using my gloves for quite some time now & figured out a million other ways to use them.

Let’s take a closer look at all the ways they can be used…

Pick Up Poop

The most popular uses of the gloves. Clean, precise, quick…what else can we say? Potty time will be easier & less messy than ever before. Now you can get in & out quickly. 

Wipe the Floor

Drool, dirty paws, or crummies! All little things you don’t want to touch with your bare hands. If you don’t have to make 1:1 contact, don’t bother…use your gloves. 

Grab the Hair

Hair, hair everywhere. If you have a shedding dog, you know all too much about the step before vacuuming, which is picking up the hair before. Now you can use these gloves! 

Prep the Food

Pets love some unique foods that we don’t necessarily want to touch. Sometimes the smellier, the tastier (to them). Regardless of the sophistication of the food palate, I love using the gloves to prep raw foods or set aside snacks.

Wash the Dogs

You probably know about the prune fingers. Now, you can use the gloves to rinse the hair. I save SO MUCH time when I use my gloves. Bath time went from 20 to 5 mins because the gloves make it easier to get all the hidden places on my dogs & keeps them calm (they LOVE the smooth feeling). 

Clean the Crate

Dry drool, potty accidents, hair… whatever happens in the crate, we’ve got you! I only clean in the crate when I’ve got gloves on. There’s no need to wipe it down without protection.  

Wash the Bowls

It’s a daily routine to wipe down the bowls to keep it sanitary. There’s a lot of unknowns hidden in those bowl that I don’t want to touch. I only use my gloves to get it all out. 

Wipe the Paws

We all have those dirty days. The paws get wet & dirty, but they are also very delicate. The gloves are great to wipe them down without getting my paws as dirty as theirs.  

I know, that’s a lot of information so I understand if you need some time to take it all in. I’m happy you found us & hope you take our glam gloves with you the next time to take your dog out.

You’ll look like the hottest & trendiest dog owner at the park or on your walk. I’m confident you’ll make a couple new friends.