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How I Got My Dog to Stop Pulling on the Leash

How I Got My Dog to Stop Pulling on the Leash

How I Got My Dog to Stop Pulling on the Leash

I’ve had dogs since they were only 8 weeks old, so as you may guess, that meant I was responsible for training at a young age. 

One of the biggest problems that I had was that my dog always pulled me. 

It seemed impossible for her to stop. 

We weren’t always in a hurry, but it certainly felt like it. I don’t want you to have to go through that arm pain that I often felt. 

It almost felt like an arm workout trying to handle her. 

Here’s exactly step-by-step what I did to get her to stop pulling me. 

I walked her regularly

First, I walked her regularly so she was more comfortable in that environment. 

I always had a treat pouch

Second, I always had a treat pouch– this way, I not only had treats available to reward my dog, but it made me look more authoritative.

I stool still when she pulled on the leash

Third, I would stand still when she pulled on the leash. When my dog stopped pulling and was calm, then I began walking again. Dogs learn that pulling results in stopping after all!

 I used a harness 

Fourth (this is good if your dog is very strong or large), I used a special harness specifically designed to help with pulling.

I practiced in different locations

Fifth, I practiced training in different locations. Remember that your dog might be more inclined to pull when there's something interesting going on around them, so be prepared for this ahead of time.

I talked to a trainer 

Sixth, I talked to a more experienced trainer who gave me some pointers and more information on how they train their dogs. There are different techniques for different breeds and personalities of dogs! That was helpful, so I wanted to recommend it as an option at some point if you’re really struggling.

I used a gentle lead

Seventh, I used a gentle leader muzzle while training her to get her used to wearing it. You can reward them with treats when they're calm and not pulling while wearing the muzzle. She didn’t mind the muzzle after a while & just remember this is totally short-term. You can take it off when your dog is ready and better behaved.  

I hope you can take some of these methods & they help you. 

Finally, remember that there is no one "right" way to train your dog to stop pulling. 

It's worth experimenting with different techniques to find out what works best for your dog.