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14 Easiest Foods for your Dog to Digest

14 Easiest Foods for your Dog to Digest

14 Easiest Foods for your Dog to Digest

What are the 14 Easiest Foods for your Dog to Digest?

If your dog is anything like mine, she will pretty much eat anything that falls on the floor. 

Possibly with the exception of green leafy vegetables, but she's not alone. 

I love giving her all of the below foods because they are the easiest foods for her to digest. 

Not all human food is good for dogs, so I recommend sticking closely to the below list if you want your dog to have the happiest tummy.

Here are the 14 easiest foods for your dog to digest.

  1. Plain Rice - Rice is great for dogs because it is an excellent source of carbs. Carbohydrates are the body's energy source, so giving your dog foods high in carbs can be great for her energy levels. The best part about rice is that it has virtually no odor, making it easy to mix into food without worrying about any strange smells your dog might not like.
  2. Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast - Chicken is typically great for dogs because it is easy to digest and full of protein. If you cook the chicken yourself, make sure to remove any bones or skin. Cooked chicken has a very mild flavor and will blend in with any dog food really well.
  3. Apples - There are many fruits that are good for dogs (except grapes or avocados), but I choose apples specifically because they are easy to cut into small, even pieces that will be hard for your dog to chew. Dogs typically love the flavor of apples and they can easily be added as a healthy dessert or snack after your dog's dinner.
  4. Carrots - Carrots are another good source of carbs and they also have lots of vitamins and nutrients dogs need. Carrots are also easy to cut into small pieces and will be hard for your dog to chew. I recommend boiling carrots until they're soft, then mashing them up a bit before adding them to your dog's food bowl.
  5. Sweet Potato - Potatoes are loaded with carbs and can even have a decent amount of protein in them. They are easy to digest and can help keep your dog's energy levels up. You can also boil sweet potatoes until they're soft, mash them, and add them to your dog's food bowl for a yummy and healthy addition!
  6. Yogurt - Yogurt has lots of good bacteria for your dog's digestive system and it doesn't taste bad either. Make sure to buy plain yogurt without any added sugars or artificial flavors. The best types of yogurt for dogs are the unsweetened, artificially flavored ones, because they have a very mild flavor.
  7. Green Beans - Green beans are easy to digest and full of nutrients your dog needs every day. The best part is that they don't have a strong odor, so you can mix them into your dog's food really easily.
  8. Broccoli - Just like green beans, broccoli has a mild flavor that is easy to digest and full of nutritional value for your dog. I recommend boiling the broccoli until it's soft before mixing
  9. Blueberries - Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants and lots of vitamins. They have a very mild flavor that will taste great mixed into your dog's food bowl.
  10. Canned Pumpkin - Pumpkin for dogs is good for their digestive systems and doesn't have a strong flavor.
  11. Eggs - Eggs are easy to digest and packed with protein that dogs need in their diet every day. Make sure to buy plain versions of eggs and not unhealthy flavors like bacon or cheese-flavored ones since those can be harmful to your dog's overall health.
  12. Plain Oatmeal - Oatmeal for dogs is good for their digestive systems and doesn't have a strong flavor. You can cook it with water or milk to make it easier to digest.
  13. Lean Beef - Lean ground beef is easy to digest and packed with protein that dogs need in their diet every day. If you want to add some extra flavor and nutrients to the beef, try cooking it with vegetables like carrots and celery.
  14. Water - I know it sounds silly but plain old water is actually the best thing you can give your dog. Dogs can't sweat like humans, so they need easy access to clean, cool water at all times. Giving them water to drink is the number one way you can keep them hydrated and happy!

If your dog suddenly eats something that is not easy to digest, or you see a change in their regular behavior, I recommend checking with your vet. Don't wait too long before seeing if they get better. If you have a feeling that it's more serious, jump over to the doctor for a quick check-in.

I hope this list helps you find new healthy foods for your dog. Good luck!